He is noted for having made several key contributions to the study of business and corporate strategy. His 1974 study of diversification strategy inaugurated a stream of work on the performance implications of diversification. His 1982 paper with Steven Lippman showed how classical industrial organization results---profitability being related to concentration and to market share---could arise under perfect competition if there was uncertainty in the sources of efficiency. This result was key in the development of the "resource-based view" of strategic success. Rumelt's 1991 empirical follow-on (How Much Does Industry Matter?) showed that the most of the dispersion of profit rates in the economy was between business units rather than between industries. His 2011 book (Good Strategy/Bad Strategy) redefined strategy as a form of problem solving. It was chosen one of six finalists for the Financial Times & Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year award for 2011. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Rumelt (see also more recent book Crux)

Building user management in WikiFlux so it will be multi-user. And putting in Stripe subscription setup. (more)

There's an election Apr04, and I want to see what I can find out about the Barrington, IL candidates. (more)

Nolan Lawson toots: The biggest danger to the web IMO is the emerging Google-Apple (web-browser) duopoloy, and the fact that whatever bugs existed in WebKit at the time of the Blink split will just be "how the web works." This is why projects like Servo, Ladybird, and Flow are so important – they prove you can still build a browser from scratch, just based on the spec. (And thank heavens for the spec writers who made this possible.) (more)


Secure Sockets Layer, protocol for encrypting data between the Web Browser and the Web Server. Aka https. (more)


Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic protocol designed to provide communications security over a computer network. The protocol is widely used in applications such as email, instant messaging, and voice over IP, but its use in securing HTTPS remains the most publicly visible... TLS builds on the now-deprecated SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) specifications. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). It uses encryption for secure communication over a computer network, and is widely used on the Internet.[1][2] In HTTPS, the communication protocol is encrypted using Transport Layer Security (TLS) or, formerly, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). The protocol is therefore also referred to as HTTP over TLS,[3] or HTTP over SSL. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTPS

HTTPS Everywhere was inspired by Google's increased use of HTTPS[8] and is designed to force the usage of HTTPS automatically whenever possible... HTTPS Everywhere is a discontinued free and open-source browser extension for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Brave, Vivaldi and Firefox for Android, which was developed collaboratively by The Tor Project and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).[4] It automatically makes websites use a more secure HTTPS connection instead of HTTP, if they support it.[5] The option "Encrypt All Sites Eligible" makes it possible to block and unblock all non-HTTPS browser connections with one click.[6] Due to the widespread adoption of HTTPS on the World Wide Web, and the integration of HTTPS-only mode on major browsers, the extension was retired in January 2023. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTPS_Everywhere

When Transgender Kids Transition, Medical Risks are Both Known and Unknown. When someone makes the decision to transition, part of that process can be social — choosing a new name, changing pronouns, wearing different clothes — and part of it can be medical. (more)

Gender-affirming care for trans youth improves mental health: Study. Gender-affirming hormone therapy improves the mental health of transgender adolescents and teenagers, a new study released Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine showed. (more)

‘60 Minutes’ hit with backlash from LGBTQ advocates for detransition report. “60 Minutes” is hardly regarded as a bastion of conservative advocacy, but the long-running CBS news program has come under fire from the left for its segment on transgender health care that included those seeking to reverse the transition process. (more)

Ash Maurya: The Early Stage Secret. I still remember many vivid conversations with other authors, consultants, and thought leaders during the early days of the Lean Startup movement circa 2010. They were all trying to swim downstream, i.e., following the money, to land consulting gigs with growing startups and corporates. For some inexplicable reason, I found myself swimming the other way alone. (more)

'Puberty is not a medical condition' billboard unveiled in Los Angeles; push for other cities starts. A billboard aiming to force discussion on the gender-transitioning of minors has been erected in Los Angeles and it asserts that "puberty is not a medical condition." (more)

Jesse Singal: When Children Say They’re Trans (Sex and Gender). Claire, who was 12 at the time, also felt uncomfortable in her body in a way she couldn’t quite describe. She acknowledged that part of it had to do with puberty, but she felt it was more than the usual preteen woes. “At first, I started eating less,” she said, “but that didn’t really help.” (more)


Today is my 20-Year WikiLog-iversary - going back to 2002-02-05-a. (more)

I have an ongoing interest in healthcare. (more)


This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Digital Garden (20k pages, starting from 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO). (You can get your own pair of garden/note-taking spaces from FluxGarden.)

My Calling: Reality Hacking to accelerate Evolution by increasing Freedom, Agency, and Leverage of Free Agents and smaller groups (SmallWorld) via D And D of Thinking Tools (software and Games To Play).

See Intro Page for space-related goals, status, etc.; or Wiki Node for more terse summary info.

Beware the War On The Net!



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Agile Product Development, Product Management from MVP to Product-Market Fit, Adding Product To Your Startup Team, Agility, Context, and Team Agency, (2022-10-12) Accidental Learnings of a Journeyman Product Manager

My Coding

Big Levers, Theory of Change, Change the World, (2020-06-27) Ways To Nudge Future; Network Enlightenment, Optimistic Near Future Vision; Huge Invention; Alternatives To A College Degree; Credit Crisis 2008; Economic Transition; Network Economy; Making A Living; Varieties Of Info Technology Jobs; Generative Schooling; Product Oriented Unschooling; Reality Hacker; A 20th Century Economic Theory

FluxGarden; Network Enlightenment Ecosystem; ThinkingTools Interaction as Medium; Hypermedia Pattern Language; Everyone Needs Their Own ThinkingSpace; Digital Garden; Virtual ThinkingSpace; Thinking Tools Companies; Webs Of Thinkers And Thoughts; My CollaborationWare History; Wiki Proliferation; Portal Collaboration Roadmap; Wiki For GroupWare, Overlapping Scopes Of Collaboration, Email Discussion Beside Wiki, Wiki For CollaborationWare, Collaboration Roadmap; Sister Sites; Wiki Hack

Personal Cloud; 2018-11-29-NextOpenInfrastructure, 2018-11-15-BooksVsTweets; Stream/Flow Vs Garden/Stock

Social Warrens; Culture War; 2017-02-15-MindmapCultureWarSocialMediaEconomy; Cultural Pluralism

Fractally Generative Pattern Language, Small Tribe, SimplestThing, Becoming A Reality Hacker, Less-Bullshit Living, The Craft; Games To Play; Evolution, Hack Your Life With A Private Wiki Notebook, Getting Things Done, And Other Systems

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